
THE Trustees of the Portsmouth and Sheet Bridge Turnpike Road hereby give notice, That they are about to TAKE DOWN and REBUILD a HOUSE at Kingston Cross, in the occupation of Mr. Benjamin Green, Butcher, as also to take down, remove, and rebuild the Turnpike House at Portsbridge. Such Persons, therefore, as may be desirous of undertaking either of these Buildings, to be performed by Contract, according to Plans and Specifications, which may be seen at Mr. Holley’s, Blue Anchor, Kingston-cross, are requested to send their Proposals to Mr. Shugar, on or before the 16th instant, sealed up, and written on the outside, “Tender for Building House at Kingston, or at Portsbridge,” as the case may be.

Hampshire Telegraph, Monday 13 October, 1823 source

I can’t help wondering what poor Mr. Green did to upset them. A road-widening project?


What are the chances the plans and specifications for the new Turnpike House still exist? And if they did, where would they be?