
We are sorry to state the death of Lieutenant Peter Mears, of the Royal Marines. He was on guard at the Dock-yard on Thursday, and yesterday went out shooting, on Hayling Island; dined with Mr. Hopkins, a farmer in the Island, whose house he left at ten o’clock last night, intending to return to his home at Southsea, by the way of Fort Cumberland. Early this morning he was discovered by some labourers, dead, lying by the side of a hedge, in the path way. It is supposed he mistook his way, and walked through, or fell into, a pond, as his clothes were thoroughly wet. His dogs, though he had borrowed them only for the day, of Mr. Bulbeck, of the Norfolk Arms (and they must have well known their way homeward), were found watching the body! Lieut. Mears was married, but had no family. He was a native of Swanwick, in this County.

Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser, Monday 12 December, 1825 source