
The text of the Act is included below. It’s long (really long), so it’s collapsed by default. In modern terms it’s essentially a list of lands and properties in Hilsea to be compulsorily purchased. The original intention was to create an area of cleared ground between the Hilsea Lines and Hilsea Barracks. Much of the work of tearing down the existing buildings was not accomplished in the end, and the land was leased out for farming. At least some of the pubs continued to ply their trade for varying lengths of time.


Whew. Told you it was long. What now follows is a list of individuals mentioned in the Act and their holdings, extracted from the Act by an LLM and ordered roughly by the size of their holdings. This is a lot more readable, but not even 95% accurate. If you’re interested in a particular individual you should probably refer to the original source.

Estate of Sir John Carter (deceased), held in trust by Dame Carter and Arthur Atherley as Devisees (44.58 ha)

  1. Four pieces of pasture land near Hilsea

    • Fifty-four acres three roods and two perches (21.76 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, bounded by Portsmouth Harbour and the lands of William Goldfinch, John Burrell, and others.
  2. Pasture land adjoining above parcel

    • One acre two roods and twenty-two Perches (0.66 ha)
    • Located on the north side of above land, bounded by lands of John Burrell, Ann Burrell, and others.
  3. Messuage or tenement with garden

    • Size not specified
    • Located on Hilsea Green, bounded by the lands of John Hellyer and others.
  4. Parcel of land on Hilsea Green

    • Eight acres and twenty-two perches (3.29 ha)
    • Bounded by lands of His Majesty, Thomas Thistlethwayte, and others.
  5. Messuage or cottage with barn

    • Two acres and thirty-nine perches (0.91 ha)
    • Located in Parish of Wymering.
  6. Small piece of land opposite Hilsea Barracks

    • Size not specified
    • Bounded by the lands of William Hopkins, the late Thomas Sandon (now John Green), and Richard Antram.
  7. Piece of arable land in Inn Field

    • Twenty acres two Roods and thirty perches (9.18 ha)
    • Located in Inn Field, bounded by lands of Richard Antram and others.
  8. Piece of arable land in Carston Field

    • Four acres three roods and twenty-five perches (1.99 ha)
    • Located in Carston Field, bounded by lands of Ann Burrell and others.
  9. Small piece of land in The Great Common

    • One acre and twelve perches (0.44 ha)
    • Located in The Great Common, bounded by the lands of John Burrell, William Padwick, and others.
  10. Piece of land in Hilsea Green

    • Two acres one rood and one perch (0.91 ha)
    • Located on Hilsea Green, bounded by the lands of William Padwick and John Burrell.
  11. Piece of land on The Great Common

    • Twelve acres three roods and thirty perches (5.24 ha)
    • Located on The Great Common, bounded by lands of His Majesty, Ann Burrell, and others.
  12. Small parcel of land

    • Two Roods (0.20 ha)
    • Bounded on the north east and west by the barn, farm yard and land of William Padwick the Younger, and on the south by the tenements and land of Charles Walker.

William Padwick the younger (41.34 ha)

  1. Messuage or tenement, or farm house, barns, stable, yard, garden, orchard and other appurtenances

    • One acre two roods and twenty six perches (0.67 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering. Previously part of Hilsea Green.
  2. Arable land

    • Nineteen acres two roods and thirty-eight perches (7.99 ha)
    • Located in Parish of Wymering, part of Ham Field, bounded by lands of John Hellyer and others.
  3. Parcel of land in North Field

    • Twenty-nine Acres Three Roods and Thirty-five Perches (12.13 ha)
    • Located in Parish of Wymering, bounded by lands of John Hellyer, Sir John Carter’s Devisees, and others.
  4. Small parcel of waste land

    • Size not specified
    • Located on Hilsea Green, bounded by Ham Field and North Field.
  5. Parcel of land on The Great Common

    • Twenty-seven acres and fourteen perches (10.96 ha)
    • Located on The Great Common, bounded by lands of John Hellyer and others.
  6. Small piece of land on The Great Common

    • Three roods and thirty-six perches (0.39 ha)
    • Bounded by lands of John Burrell, Ann Burrell, and others.
  7. Parcel of land on The Great Common

    • Seventeen acres two roods and eight perches (9.20 ha)
    • Located on The Great Common, bounded by lands of Richard Antram, Joseph Crasler, and others.

Richard Antram and Joseph Crasler (38.40 ha)

  1. Pasture land

    • One acre two roods and twelve perches (0.64 ha)
    • Adjoining the lands of John Burrell and others.
  2. Arable land

    • Five acres and twenty-five perches (2.09 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, bounded by the lands of John Burrell and Ann Burrell.
  3. Messuage or farm house with farm yard

    • Two roods and nine perches (0.83 ha)
    • Occupied by John Green, located in the Parish of Wymering, near Inn Field.
  4. Small, triangular piece of waste land

    • Thirty-one roods (3.14 ha)
    • Located near farm yard and premises of Antram and Crasler.
  5. Piece of arable land in Inn Field

    • Twenty-two acres and twenty-three perches (8.96 ha)
    • Bounded by Inn Field, farm yard, and the lands of Sir Roger Curtis.
  6. Piece of arable land in Seedlip Field

    • Twenty-five acres three roods and thirty-two perches (10.50 ha)
    • Located in Seedlip Field, bounded by Inn Field and the lands of Admiral Sir Roger Curtis.
  7. Piece of land in Hilsea Green

    • One acre three roods and thirty-eight perches (0.80 ha)
    • Located on Hilsea Green, bounded by roads leading to Hilsea Green and His Majesty’s lands.
  8. Piece of land in the Parish of Wymering

    • Six acres three roods and fifteen perches (2.77 ha)
    • Located between Seedlip Field and waste lands.
  9. Piece of land on The Great Common

    • Twenty-one acres one rood and twenty-six perches (8.67 ha)
    • Located on The Great Common, bounded by the lands of Ann Burrell, William Padwick, and others.

Ann Burrell (32.69 ha)

  1. Parcel of arable land

    • Four acres one rood and eleven perches (1.75 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, bounded by the lands of John Hubbard, John Burrell, and others.
  2. Parcel of arable land

    • Three acres two roods and one perch (1.42 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Portsea, adjoining the piece of land previously described.
  3. Parcel of arable land

    • Two acres two roods and thirteen perches (1.04 ha)
    • Located near the land previously described and bounded on the north by the land of Thomas Hopkins, on the south by the land of John Hubbard, on the east by the Turnpike Road, and on the west by the land of John Burrell.
  4. Farm house with arable land

    • Ten acres and thirty-three perches (4.13 ha)
    • Located on the west side of the Turnpike Road, bounded by the estate of Sir Roger Curtis.
  5. Six messuages, tenements or cottages and gardens

    • Size not specified
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, and bounded on the north by the cottages and gardens of Charles Walker and Charles Walker the Younger, on the south and east by the land of William Padwick the Younger, and on the west by the road leading to the cottages on Hilsea Green.
  6. Parcel of land, part of Garston Field

    • Thirty-four acres one rood and sixteen perches (13.90 ha)
    • The description of this one is quite complex. Probably best to refer to the original source.
  7. Parcel of land, part of The Great Common

    • Twenty-four acres one rood and twenty-two perches (9.87 ha)
    • Located on The Great Common, bounded by Langstone Harbour, the lands of the estate of Sir John Carter, Richard Antram, and others.
  8. Small parcel of waste land, part of The Great Common

    • One acre one rood and thirty-one Perches (0.58 ha)
    • Located on The Great Common, bounded by lands of the estate of Sir John Carter, Richard Antram, and others.
  9. Blacksmith’s Shop and its appurtenances

    • Size not specified
    • Located adjoining the six messuages belonging to John Burrell the elder.

John Burrell (31.93 ha)

  1. Eleven closes or pieces of land in the parishes of Wymering and Portsea
    • Sixty-seven acres and thirteen perches (27.15 ha)
    • Bounded by the lands of Ann Burrell, Westminster College, and Admiral Sir Roger Curtis.


In this context a close is a piece of land that is enclosed or bounded. It typically denotes a small field, meadow, or parcel of land that is fenced in or otherwise defined by physical boundaries such as hedges, walls, or ditches. The term “close” often implies that the land is private property, distinct from common or open land.

  1. Arable Land near previous holding

    • One acre one rood and nineteen perches (0.55 ha)
    • Bounded by the lands of Thomas Hopkins, Ann Burrell, and Richard Antram.
  2. Pasture land with cottage

    • Five acres and twelve perches (2.05 ha)
    • Located near lands described above, bounded by lands of Richard Antram, Ann Burrell, and the Turnpike Road.
  3. Two pieces of land on The Great Common

    • Five acres one rood and twenty perches (2.18 ha)
    • Located on The Great Common, bounded by lands of His Majesty, William Padwick, and others.

Admiral Sir Roger Curtis (26.65 ha)

  1. Capital mansion or dwelling house [Gatcombe House] with surrounding land

    • Five acres one rood and twelve perches (2.15 ha)
    • Mansion with lawn, avenue, shrubbery, stables, yard, garden, orchard, pond, outhouses, and farm yard. Located in the parishes of Wymering and Portsea, bounded by lands of His Majesty and others.
  2. Parcel of land

    • Five acres two roods and twenty-one perches (2.28 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, adjacent to mansion grounds, on the north side of the avenue and shrubbery.
  3. Parcel of arable land

    • Ten acres one rood and thirty perches (4.22 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Portsea, adjacent to mansion grounds, on the south side of the avenue and shrubbery.
  4. Parcel of pasture land

    • Two acres three roods and eighteen perches (1.16 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Portsea, on the south side of the mansion, adjoining the public road leading to Hilsea Green.
  5. Parcel of pasture land

    • Three acres three roods and twenty-four perches (1.58 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Portsea, and adjoining the above parcel.
  6. Parcel of arable land

    • Eleven acres two roods and eight perches (4.67 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Portsea on the south side of the above parcel.
  7. Parcel of arable land

    • Six acres three roods and twenty-two perches (2.78 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Portsea on the east side of the above parcel.
  8. Parcel of arable land

    • Seven acres and six perches (2.85 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Portsea, on the east side of the above parcel.
  9. Parcel of Arable Land

    • Nine acres one rood and thirty-six perches (3.83 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, the greater part of Bittlesome Field, on the east side of the public road leading to Hilsea Green.
  10. Parcel of pasture land

    • Two acres three roods and six perches (1.13 ha)
    • Bounded on the east by the Turnpike Road, on the north by lands belonging to Ann Burrell, on the west by lands belonging to John Burrell, and on the south partly by lands belonging to the estate of Sir John Carter and partly by lands belonging to John Burrell.

Thomas Thistlethwayte (25.31 ha)

  1. Strip of waste land with messuage

    • One rood and twenty perches (0.15 ha)
    • Occupied by Arthur Mills, with the Turnpike Weighing Engine at the South End, bounded by His Majesty’s land, the Turnpike Road, and a Cottage occupied by Thomas Holland.
  2. Four pieces of land in Nore Marsh

    • Twenty-nine acres two roods and twenty-nine perches (12.01 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, bounded by Portsmouth Harbour, the land of James Knight, and other parts of Nore Marsh.
  3. Parcel of land on Hilsea Green

    • Five acres three roods and two perches (2.33 ha)
    • Located on east side of Turnpike Road, bounded by lands of His Majesty, John Hellyer, and others.

Richard Pittis (10.82 ha)

  1. Pasture land

    • Twelve acres two roods and twenty-five perches (5.12 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering on the north side of the channel belonging to His Majesty, near Portsmouth Harbour and Langstone Harbour, and on the West Side of the Turnpike Road.
  2. Pasture land

    • Fourteen acres and twelve perches (5.70 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, bounded on the north by the previous parcel of land, south by His Majesty’s land, east by waste land belonging to Thomas Thistlethwayte, and west by Portsmouth Harbour.
  3. Messuage, tenement or dwelling house, and garden

    • Size not specified
    • Bounded on the north and south by the lands of William Hopkins, on the east by Inn Field, and on the west by the public road leading to Hilsea Green.

William Padwick (8.53 ha)

  1. Arable land

    • Nine acres one rood and four perches (3.75 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering. Bounded by a road to the salterns of James Stead, land of His Majesty, and lands of William Padwick.
  2. Meadow land

    • One acre and thirty-five perches (0.49 ha)
    • A triangular piece of a meadow bounded by other parts of the Meadow, land of James Stead, and a road leading to the salterns.
  3. Pasture land

    • Ten Acres Two Roods and Eighteen Perches (4.29 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering. Bounded by lands of His Majesty, Portsmouth Harbour, and other lands of William Padwick.

James Knight (8.38 ha)

  1. Parcel of land

    • Seventeen acres three roods and eight perches (7.20 ha)
    • Marsh or pasture land located in the Parish of Wymering, bounded by other lands of James Knight and Portsmouth Harbour.
  2. Parcel of land

    • Two acres three roods and twenty-five perches (1.18 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering and bounded by other lands of James Knight and, on the west, by Nore Marsh.

William Friend (6.21 ha)

  1. Two fields or closes of pasture or marsh land with tenements
    • Fifteen acres one rood and fifteen perches (6.21 ha)
    • Located in Parish of Wymering, bounded by lands of William Padwick, Portsmouth Harbour, and Nore Marsh.

James Stead (4.26 ha)

  1. Arable land with boiling house and saltern
    • Ten acres two roods and three perches (4.26 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, bounded on the north and south by the lands of William Padwick, on the east by the lands of William Friend.

William Hopkins (3.51 ha)

  1. Two messuages or dwelling houses with garden

    • Size not specified
    • Located in Parish of Wymering, bounded by lands of Richard Antram, Joseph Crasler, and others.
  2. Three messuages or cottages with garden

    • Size not specified
    • Located on South Side of previous property, bounded by land of Richard Pittis and Sir John Carter’s Devisees.
  3. Messuage or barn with garden

    • Eight acres two roods and twenty-nine perches (3.51 ha)
    • Located near Hilsea Green, bounded by lands of John Green and Inn Field.

William Goldfinch (3.02 ha)

  1. Parcel of land

    • Seven acres and thirty four perches (2.92 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, with a newly erected cottage at the east end. Bounded on the north and west by land belonging to the estate of Sir John Carter, on the south by the road leading to other lands of the the estate of Sir John Carter, on the east by the small piece of waste land mentioned below.
  2. Small piece of waste land

    • Thirty-eight perches (0.10 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, between the parcel of land mentioned above and the Turnpike Road. On part of this land the public pound previously stood.

John Hellyer (2.89 ha)

  1. Parcel of arable land on Hilsea Green
    • Seven acres and twenty-four perches (2.89 ha)
    • Located on Hilsea Green, bounded by lands of His Majesty and William Padwick.

John Morey (1.81 ha)

  1. Garden ground (formerly arable land)
    • Four Acres One Rood and Thirty-six Perches (1.81 ha)
    • Located in Parish of Portsea, bounded by lands of Ann Burrell and John Burrell.

William Garrett (0.77 ha)

  1. Public House called The Horse and Jockey with adjoining pasture land
    • One acre three roods and twenty-three perches (0.77 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, on the east side of the Turnpike Road, bounded by lands of William Padwick, His Majesty, and the Turnpike Road.

John Hubbard (0.50 ha)

  1. Messuage or dwelling house with garden
    • One acre and thirty-six perches (0.50 ha)
    • Occupied by Mackenzie Esquire, Barrack Master at Hilsea Barracks, located in Parish of Wymering.

Andrew Lindegren (0.32 ha)

  1. Messuage or tenement, with outhouses, garden, parcel of land, and other appurtenances

    • One Rood and Thirty-two Perches (0.18 ha)
    • Occupied by Charles Browning. Located in the Parish of Wymering, east of the Turnpike Road.
  2. Small piece of waste land

    • One Rood and Fourteen Perches (0.14 ha)
    • Located in the Parish of Wymering, and bounded on the east by the Turnpike Road, on the north by a road leading from the Turnpike Road to salterns belonging to James Stead, on the south by land belonging to William Garrett, and on the west partly by the road leading to the salterns and partly by land belonging to William Padwick. Part of this land forms the way to the land of William Padwick.

Thomas Hopkins (0.32 ha)

  • Four messuages or dwelling houses with carpenter’s shop
    • Three roods and seven perches (0.32 ha)
    • Bounded by lands of John Burrell, Ann Burrell, and Richard Antram.

Vicar of Wymering (0.25 ha)


Look up who this was in 1813.

  1. Small piece of arable land
    • Two roods and Nineteen Perches (0.25 ha)
    • Located near Garston Field, bounded by lands of Ann Burrell and the estate of Sir John Carter.

Right Honourable Richard Viscount Powerscourt (0.17 ha)

  • Small piece of arable land
    • One rood and twenty-nine perches (0.17 ha)
    • Bounded by the lands of the Vicar of Wymering and Garston Field.

John Burrell the elder

  1. Six messuages or dwelling houses with stables and yard
    • Size not specified
    • Occupied by himself, William Jenkins, Thomas Smith, and others.

George Dawson

  1. The King’s Head, newly erected public house

    • Size not specified
    • Located in Parish of Wymering, bounded by the Turnpike Road to the east, and Old cottage also owned by George Dawson to the north
  2. Old cottage with appurtenances

    • Size not specified
    • Located in Parish of Wymering, bounded by the Turnpike Road to the east, the land of James Soaper to the west, the road leading to the arable land of Richard Antram and Joseph Crasler to the north, and The King’s Head also owned by George Dawson to the south.

John Green

  1. Three messuages, tenements or cottages and gardens
    • Size not specified
    • Bounded on the north by the Land of the estate of Sir John Carter, on the south by messuages and lands of William Hopkins, on the east by Inn Field and on the west by the public road leading to Hilsea Green

Charles Hammond

  1. Messuage, tenement or dwelling house, garden and other appurtenances:
    • Size not specified
    • Located near Hilsea Barracks.

Humphrey Smith

  1. Small Wooden Tenement and Garden
    • Size not specified
    • In the Parish of Wymering, on the west side of Hilsea Barracks, between the Barracks and the London Turnpike Road

James Soaper

  1. Cottage and land at the Back of King’s Head
    • Size not specified
    • Situated at the back of The King’s Head.

Samuel Spicer

  1. Public House called The Battle of Minden
    • Size not specified
    • With stables, out houses, yards, and gardens.

James Steed and John Rood

  1. Two newly erected messuages or dwelling houses

    • Size not specified
    • Located near Hilsea Barracks.
  2. Messuage or dwelling house with baker’s shop

    • Size not specified
    • Located near Hilsea Barracks. Owner is not specified, but is likely James Steed or John Rood.


Any possibility James Stead and James Steed are the same person?

Charles Walker and Charles Walker the Younger

  1. Two messuages or cottages with gardens
    • Size not specified
    • Located in Parish of Wymering, bounded on the north by the estate of Sir John Carter, on the south by the six tenements or cottages and land of Ann Burrell, on the east by Ham Field, and on the west by the road leading to the cottages on Hilsea Green.

Arthur Atherley

  • Devisee in Trust for Sir John Carter (deceased)

Dame Carter

  • Devisee in Trust for Sir John Carter (deceased)

Charles Browning

  • Tenant of Andrew Lindegren

James Carter

  • Tenant of Thomas Hopkins

Edward Catchlove

  • Tenant of Thomas Hopkins

Thomas Holland

  • Tenant of Thomas Thistlethwayte

William Jenkins

  • Tenant of John Burrell the elder

Mackenzie Esquire, Barrack Master at Hilsea Barracks

  • Tenant of John Hubbard

Arthur Mills

  • Tenant of Thomas Thistlethwayte

Thomas Smith

  • Baker and tenant of John Burrell the elder.

John Ridge

  • Deceased. Owned land south of Hilsea Barracks, on the southern border of the land described in the Act.

Thomas Sandon

  • Deceased. Holdings appear to have been passed to John Green.

Sherborne and John Henry Stewart, Esquires

  • Owned a piece of land called New Mead that borders the land described in the Act.


Mead - meadow

The College of Winchester

  • Owned land south of Hilsea Barracks, on the southern border of the land described in the Act.


There’s nearly 90 separate parcels of land listed there, including the Coach and Horses, Battle of Minden, the King’s Head and the Horse and Jockey.