

TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Thursday the 5th of August, 1790, at five o’clock in the afternoon, at the sign of the Battle of Minden, at Hilsea, in the County of Southampton.

All that valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called Great Horsey, being an Island situate at the upper end of Portsmouth Harbour, near Hilsea aforesaid, in the Parish of Wimering, in the said County of Southampton, [comprising?] about 106 acres of as rich pasture land, as any in the Kingdom, with a convenient farmhouse, barn, stable and necessary out-buildings, now in the occupation of Farmer George Guy, at the yearly rent of 100l. clear of all deductions, who has had a year’s notice to quit the said farm, expiring at Michaelmas Day next.

There is a safe carriage way from Hilsea to the Island twice every day at low tide. The estate is now in perfect repair, and although in a state of good cultivation, yet capable of great improvement: and being within four miles of Portsmouth is very conveniently situate for vending its productions to great advantage.

For further particulars, enquire of Mr. GEORGE BINSTEED, Attorney at Law in Portsmouth.

Hampshire Chronicle, Monday 28 June, 1790 source

I’m assuming that “safe carriage way” means that you could drive a carriage across at least one of the wade ways, probably the lower one, at this point in time.

Map of the wade ways between Horsea and Hilsea
25 inch England and Wales OS Maps (1841-1952), Hampshire and Isle of Wight LXXV.16, Revised: 1895, Published: 1898 source