
It appears that a general tidy-up of government-owned property is happening in 1834, which also results in the derelict Battle of Minden being demolished.

I love that little hand bullet point at the end of the article, so I kept the image as well as transcribing. If anyone knows what the ink blob between “20l” and “cent.” is on the same line, please let me know


TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. GARNETT, (by order of the Principal Officers of his Majesty’s Ordnance,) at the following times and places:

At ten o’clock in the forenoon, on Wednesday the 27th August instant, at Tipner,—A Brick and Timber STORE, in several Lots, to be taken down and removed at the expense of the Purchasers.

At one o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, on the Premises, will be SOLD, to be taken down and removed at the expense of the Purchasers, in the Meadow at the back of the Garrison Chapel, on the Parade, Portsmouth,—An extensive RANGE of STABLING and CARRIAGE HOUSE, built of Brick and Tile, and Oak Joists, Rafters, and Girders; also a large pile of Pebble Stones for pitching.

At ten o’clock in the forenoon of the 28th instant, will be SOLD, at the Ordnance Stores, at Weovil, near Gosport,—A quantity of BUILDING MATERIALS and other STORES, comprising 50 pair of deal frame shutters, a quantity of wainscotting, oak and fir scantling, elm and oak plank doors, portland sink stones, old stone and small black stone, purbeck paving, gutter and stack bricks, old sashes, &c.

At one o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, will be SOLD, at the Ordnance Office, on the Mill Dam, Portsea,—A quantity of old OAK & FIR QUARTERING, Posts and Rails, Fir Scantling, Doors, and Frames, Deal Framing, Frame Shutters and Sashes, several Flight of Stairs, Oak Window Frames and Leaded Lights, 27,000 Bricks, Gutter Bricks, Tiles, Paving, Coping Stone and Bricks, old Wrought and Cast Iron, Pump, Gun Stones, Mud Boots, large quantity of Smiths’ Tools, Hand Barrows, Hand Carts, Oil Cisterns and Pumps, quantity of Stone Pitchers, and a great variety of other Stores.

May be viewed at the several Stores, and Catalogues had at the Ordnance Office, Portsea; at the Storekeeper’s Office, Gun Wharf; at the Ordnance-Office, Gosport; and of the Auctioneer, Piazza, Portsea—two days before the Sale.

A Deposit of 20l. [?] cent. will be required of each Purchaser, at the close of the Sale at each place.

Hampshire Telegraph, Monday 25 August, 1834 source