
On Tuesday last, Captain Castle, late of the East Kent Militia, who has lately resided in Park-lane, Southsea, died suddenly, in the “Accommodation Van,” near the Green Post, Hilsea. He left London the preceding night, where he had been a few days, and was in his usual state of health until the coach had arrived at the aforesaid place, when he leaned his head backward, and expired. The body was taken into the Green Post public house, and a Coroner’s Inquest held upon a view of the same. It appeared that the deceased had for some years past been subject to frequent and severe attacks in the head. Verdict—“Died of Apoplexy.” Captain Castle was a most worthy gentleman; and his death is deeply regretted by all who knew him.

— Saunders’s News-Letter, Thursday 09 December 1824 source