

On the 21st of March last, from Lieutenant Dawson’s Recruiting Party, of his Majesty’s 33d Regiment of Foot, commanded by the Rt. Hon. Major-General Lord Charles Hay, station’d at Bradford, in Yorkshire,


BORN at Bradford, twenty-four Years old, five Feet seven Inches and a Half high, brown Eyes and Hair, fresh Complexion, straight and well made, and by Trade a Weaver. Whoever apprehends and secures the said Deserter, in any of his Majesty’s Goals in Great-Britain, and gives Notice thereof to the commanding Officer of the 33d Regiment, quartered at Hilsea Barracks, near Portsmouth; or to John Calcraft, Esq; at his Office in Channel-Row, Westminster, shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward, over and above what is allow’d by Act of Parliament, for apprehending these infamous perjur’d Defrauders of their Country and Regiment.

Leeds Intelligencer, Tuesday 08 May 1759 source

If he took the singing bonus and legged it at the first opportunity, I can’t help thinking “Tankard” maybe wasn’t his real name.