Rent Roll of the Corporation of Portsmouth. Revised 1880.

  • Situation and Description of Property:
    The “Green Post” public house at Hilsea.

  • Date of Lease and Names of Lessees:
    Lease 3rd May, 1748, to James Robinson, for 1000 years, Rent 13s. 4d.

  • From whom rents received:
    Garrett and Co.

  • Situation and Description of Property:
    Waste piece on north side of same.

  • Date of Lease and Names of Lessees:
    No lease. Rent 5s.

  • From whom rents received:
    Garrett and Co.

— ed. Murrell, Richard J. and East, Robert (1884) Extracts from Records in the Possession of the Municipal Corporation of the Borough of Portsmouth. H. Lewis,
Portsmouth. source


What, exactly, was leased in 1748? If it was just the land, then the building was built post-1748. If it was the pub itself, it’s even older that this reference attests.