
Pursuant to the several Acts of Parliament for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England.


No. 33, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London.

PETITIONS of Insolvent Debtors to be heard at the Court House at Winchester, in and for the County of Hants, on Wednesday the 23d day of March next, at the hour of Ten o’Clock in the morning:—

CHARLES RUSSELL, late of Saint Cross, near Winchester, Hants, Blacksmith, and formerly a Dealer in Horses.

JANE WOOD, late of Lymington, Hants, Spinster.

RICHARD PENNEY, late of Portsmouth, Hants, Victualler and Slopseller.

WILLIAM DAY, formerly of Poplar, Middlesex, and of Chatham, Kent, Steward of the Honorable East India Company Ship Lowther Castle, afterwards of Cowes, in the Isle of Wight, Hants, Acting Quarter Master Sergeant, on board the Honourable East India Company’s ship Royal George.

THOMAS MOORE, formerly of Colne, Wilts, afterwards of Lymington, Hants, and late of Penton Mewsey, Hants, Shoemaker.

THOMAS DAVIES, late of Botley, Hants, Collar Maker.

John Cox, late of Hilsea, in the Parish of Wymering, Hants, Innkeeper and Chairmaker.
B. WINTER, Attorney, Winchester.

HENRY FREEMANTLE, the younger, late of Upham, Hants, Gamekeeper.

WILLIAM DIMMOCK, late of Matterly, Hants, Gatekeeper, and since of Winchester, Hants, Publican.
A. TODD, Attorney, Winchester.

At the Court House, in and for the Town and County of the Town of Southampton, on Thursday the twenty-fourth day of March next, at the hour of ten o’clock in the morning:—

WILLIAM COMBES, late of the Town and County of the Town of Southampton, lately a Baker and Pavier, but since a Pavier.
R. BLANCHARD, Attorney, Southampton.

Note 1.—The Petitions and Schedules are filed, and may be inspected at this Office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, between the hours of Ten and Four, up to the last day of giving Notice of Opposition: Three clear days’ notice, (exclusive of Sunday) of an intention to oppose any Prisoner’s discharge must be given to such Prisoner; and the Duplicates of such Petitions and Schedules, and all Books, Papers, and Writings relating thereto, in the possession or power of the said Prisoners, will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace of the said County within Ten Days after the issuing of the Orders, and the said Prisoners respectively, or any Creditor or Creditors of such respective Prisoners, or his, her, or their Attorney may inspect and examine, and have Copies of the same, or any part thereof, according to the Act 5 Geo. IV. c. 61.

Note 2.—Whereupon the hearing of any Case before the Court, the Court shall order the Prisoner to be removed pursuant to the Act 5 Geo. 4, c. 61. s. 13, those Creditors only will be entitled to oppose the discharge of such Prisoner, at the hearing, which will take place in the County, in pursuance of such order, who appeared to oppose before the Court, on the day when such Order was made, or gave notice of opposition for that day, and those upon whom the Notices were not duly served for the hearing on that day.
R. BREMRIDGE, Agent, 41, Chancery Lane, London.

Hampshire Telegraph, Monday 28 February 1825 source