
Early on the morning of Thursday, six Resurrection Men entered the Churchyard of Portsea parish, and at the same time a light cart drove up; after walking over the yard nearly half an hour, they commenced opening two graves, and had removed the earth from the coffins, when they were attacked by the watchmen placed for the protection of the ground. They made a precipitate flight, leaving behind them the whole of their shovels, sacks, implements, jacket, and coat, and escaped, but one of them must have been severely wounded from the fire of one of the watchmen, as traces of blood were discernible along the ground. Two persons of suspicious characters were traced by the Vestry Clerk and Mr. Hunt to have slept at the Green Post public-house the night preceding, who had recently come from London. Their portmanteau was searched, in which implements used for these purposes were found. Endeavours have been used to apprehend the offenders.

— Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser, Monday 12 December 1825 source