
CHAS. MATHEWS, Brandy MERCHANT, BREWER, and MALTSTER, at Buckland Brewery, Portsea, Hants, having declined Business, returns his most grateful thanks to his numerous Friends, for their favours conferred on him for the space of thirty years past, and begs leave to recommend as his Successors in the above line of business, Mr. GEORGE A. B. FIELDING and SON.

GEORGE A. B. FIELDING and SON respectfully acquaint their Friends and the Public, that they have succeeded Mr. Charles Mathews in the business of BRANDY MERCHANTS, BREWERS, and MALTSTERS, and in soliciting their favours, they assure those Friends who may please to honour them with their commands, that the best Goods will be furnished by them at the most moderate prices.

BUCKLAND, 11th May, 1832.

Hampshire Telegraph, Monday 21 May, 1832 source