
Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, December 23.

“Since my last arrived the Boreas, Capt. Hughes, from the Downs. The Juno is in Dock.

—Mr. Liss, Brewer and Distiller in Gosport, having missed great quantities of spirits for some time past, resolved to sit up himself last Tuesday night, in order to see if he could make any discovery; when in the dead of the night one of his servants opened a door with a picklock, and set about drawing of liquor. He secured him immediately, and there are five of them concerned, who are all now in custody.

—One William Neller, who was convicted for transportation at last Salisbury assize, came here this week, and has defrauded several people both of money and liquor. He was taken at Hilsey barracks, and the goaler is now coming to take him to his old habitation.”

Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Wednesday 28 December, 1763 source