Sarah’s father seems to be a farmer (not a clergyman!) who is in financial difficulties almost as soon as she is born. Is this how she ends up in the care of her aunt?
WHEREAS, Mr. JOSEPH WESTWOOD, of Brierley, in the Parish of Leominster in the County of Hereford, Farmer, hath executed a Deed of Conveyance of his real and personal Estate, for the Benefit of his Creditors; which Deed now lies at the House of the said Joseph Westwood, for the signatures of such of the Creditors as choose to sign the same on or before the Twenty-first day of January, 1823, otherwise they will be excluded the benefit thereof.
— Hereford Journal, Wednesday 08 January 1823 source
To be Sold by Auction,
(Under an Execution from the Sheriff), on Monday, the Sixth of January, 1823, and the Three following Days;ALL the FARMING STOCK, Implements in Husbandry, Hay, Corn, Cider, HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, and other Effects, on the Premises of Mr. Joseph Westwood, at Brierley, near Leominster aforesaid;—Consisting of Eleven Young Cows and Heifers in Calf, Four Two-year-old Heifers with Calves, Two Two-year-old Bullocks, Three Two-year-old Heifers, and Seven Yearling Cattle; Twenty capital Ewes in Lamb, Two Fat Pigs, and Five Store Pigs; Six Cart Horses and Mares, One Two-year-old Hack Colt, and an excellent Poney in Foal; together with the Implements in Husbandry, large Quantity of Hay, Corn, Hoppoles, Twenty-five Hogsheads of Prime and Family Cider, the Valuable and Modern Household Goods and Furniture, &c.
N. B. The Particulars of this Sale will appear in Hand-bills which will be generally distributed.
Order of Sale.—On the First and Second Day will be Sold the Live and Dead Stock, Implements, Hay, Corn, and Cider; on the Third and Fourth, the Household Goods, and remaining Effects.—To commence each Day at Eleven o’Clock, and the Whole will be Sold without Reserve.
— Hereford Journal, Wednesday 01 January 1823 source
To be Sold by Auction,
By J. P. BRADFORD,At the ROYAL OAK INN, in the Borough of Leominster, on Thursday, the Twenty-fourth Day of July, 1823, at Five o’Clock in the Afternoon, by order of the Assignees of Joseph Westwood, a Bankrupt, Subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced and in the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed upon at the time of Sale,
LOT 1.
ALL that Piece or Parcel of HOP GROUND, ARABLE and MEADOW LAND, called THE LOWER HOPYARD, containing Eleven Acres (more or less), situate between Brierley and Ivington, in the Parish of Leominster.LOT 2. Five Pieces or Parcels of MEADOW LAND, situate in Crowmoor Meadow, near Newtown, in the Parish of Leominster, aforesaid, containing 8A., 2R. 0P. (more or less).
LOT 3. Five Pieces or Parcels of MEADOW and ARABLE LAND, situate at or near to Newtown aforesaid, containing Thirteen Acres (more or less).
LOT 4. All that COTTAGE and GARDEN, TWO ORCHARDS and Three Pieces of ARABLE LAND, situate at Newtown aforesaid, containing together 5A. 2R. 0P. (more or less)—The above mentioned Premises are situate in the Parish of Leominster and within Two Miles of the Borough Town of Leominster, aforesaid, and are now in the several Occupations of Mr. Thomas Bowen, Mr. Samuel Burt, John Morris, and William Colley, as Tenants thereof.
For a View of the First Lot apply to Mr. Thomas Bowen at Brierley, and of the other Lots to William Colley at Newtown aforesaid; and for further Particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or at the Office of Messrs. Morris and Sons, Solicitors, in Leominster.
— Hereford Journal, Wednesday 02 July 1823 source
THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, bearing date the first day of January, 1823, awarded and issued forth against JOSEPH WESTWOOD, late of the Township of Brierley, in the Parish of Leominster, in the County of Hereford, Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on Thursday, the 22d day of December, 1825, at twelve o’clock in the forenoon, at the Office of Messrs. J. B. and T. Morris, at the Forbury-house, in the Borough of Leominster, in the said County, in order to make a dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said dividend; and all claims not then proved will be disallowed.
J. B. & T. MORRIS, Solicitors to the Assignees.
— Hereford Journal, Wednesday 07 December 1825 source