
Frank Jones (Frederick Bull)‘s will signed.

— Tuesday 11 August, 1891


Death of Frank Jones (Frederick Bull)

— Monday 31 August, 1891


BE IT KNOWN that at the date hereunder written the last Will and Testament of Frederick Bull late of “The Coach and Horses Inn” Hilsea near Portsmouth in the County of Southampton Licensed Victualler deceased, who died on the 31st day of August 1891 at “The Coach and Horses” Hilsea aforesaid and who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at “The Coach and Horses” Hilsea aforesaid within the District of County of Hants was proved and registered in the District Probate Registry of Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice at Winchester and that Administration of the personal estate of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid Court to Harriett Cleall (wife of Robert Cleall a Painter) of “The Coach and Horses” Inn aforesaid and Martha Chatel (wife of Frank Chatel, a Warrant Officer Serving on board Her Majesty’s Ship “Liffey” of 123 Canterbury Road New Brompton in the County of Kent Daughters of the said deceased the Executrixes named in the said Will they having been first sworn well and faithfully to administer the same

Dated the 24th day of September 1891.

Gross Value of Personal Estate £339 : 4 : 0

Net Value of Personal Estate £176 : 15 : 11

No Leaseholds

Extracted by H. C. Way, Solicitor, Landport

This is the last Will and Testament of me Frederick Bull commonly known as Frank Jones of “The Coach and Horses Inn” Hilsea near Portsmouth in the County of Hants Licensed Victualler. I direct[?] the payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses. I appoint my Daughter Harriet Cleall and my Daughter Martha Chatel (hereinafter called my Trustees) to by the Executrixes and Trustees of this my will. I give and bequeath all my wearing apparel and my Silver Watch also the Bedstead on which I now sleep with the Feather Bed Pillows Bolster Blanket and Sheets used thereon two chest of drawers half dozen chairs and two arm chairs and Mahogany Table unto my Son Fred Bull absolutely. I give and devise my Messuage and premises being No 19 Paradise Street Landport in the said County of Hants unto my said son Fred Bull for his life he keeping the same in a good state of repair and insured against loss or damage by fire and from and after his decease I devise the said Messuage unto my daughter the said Harriet Cleall and her heirs absolutely. I hereby[?] charge all other my messuages and premises with the payment of the sum of One pound per week to my said Son Fred Bull during his life to be paid on Monday in each week. I give the sum of Five hundred pounds unto my Daughter the said Martha Chatel absolutely. I give devise and bequeath the Business carried on at “The Coach and Horses” Hilsea aforesaid with the Stock and fixtures used therewith and all other my Estate and effects of every description and both Real and Personal (not otherwise hereinbefore disposed of and also subject to the charge of One pound per week to my said Son Fred Bull before mentioned) unto my said daughter Harriet Cleall absolutely. I hereby wish expressly to mention the fact that for meany years past I have been usually known by the name of Frank Jones and the Lease of the Public House and premises which I now occupy is held by me in that name . And I also further wish to mention the fact that on several occasions when I have purchased property the Conveyances to me have been executed in the name of Frederick Bole which is an oversight and a mistake as my correct name is “Frederick Bull”. I hereby revoke all former wills by me at any time made. In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand this Eleventh day of August one thousand eight hundred and ninety one.

Signed by the said Frederick Bull the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament by making his mark hereto the same having been first read over to the said Frederick Bull and he appeared perfectly to understand the same in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other hereto subscribed our names as witnesses.

The Mark of Frederick Bull

Henry C. Way, Solicitor, Landport

Amelia Williams, Hilsea