
PETTY SESSIONS, TUESDAY.—Before Mr. Spencer Smith (chairman), Messrs. Frank Bradshaw, Henry Carter, and W. H. Deane.

John Hailstone, of the Coach and Horses publichouse, Hilsea, Wymering, was charged by Mr. Superintendent Drew with having opened his house for the sale of beer at twenty minutes to 12 o’clock on the night of Sunday, the 4th instant, “otherwise than as refreshment for travellers.”—He was convicted in the mitigated penalty of 10s and 7s 6d costs, which he paid.—The license of the house was afterwards temporarily transferred to Mr. George Knight, on the application of Mr. Henry Ford, of Portsea, who represented the owners, Messrs. Simonds, of Winchester.

Hampshire Advertiser, Saturday 24 December, 1870


COUNTY BENCH.—TUESDAY.—Before Spencer Smith, Esq., (chairman), F. Bradshaw, W. H. Deane, and H. Carter, Esqrs.

A SLEEPING LANDLORD.—John Hailstone, keeper of the Coach and Horses, Hilsea, appeared in answer to a summons charging him with opening his house for the sale of beer, otherwise than as refreshment for travellers, after eleven on Sunday night, the 4th inst.—At twenty minutes to twelve on the night named the attention of P.C. Compton was attracted to the house by hearing talking inside, and on looking in he saw three men with a quart mug and glass containing beer. Compton asked the landlady the reason the house was not closed and she said, “My husband’s not at home, and I’ve been trying to get them out for some time.” Compton found the man (the defendant) lying down rolled up in a coat, and the landlady admitted this was her “old man.” She woke him up, and he told Compton he went off to sleep and did not know the time, adding a hope that the officer would say nothing about it.—Mr. H. Ford, for the defence, said this was not one of those outrageous cases which sometimes came before them. He appeared there not only for defendant but for Messrs. Simmonds, the lessees of the property, and on their behalf he expressed sorrow for defendant’s conduct. He reminded the magistrates that defendant had only been in the house a short time, and on behalf of Mr. Webb, Messrs. Simmonds, manager, he said the defendant came to him with the highest character, but in consequence of his having incurred the censure of the police another tenant had been obtained.—Defendant was fined 10s. and costs.—On the application of Mr. Ford, the license was temporarily transferred to George Knight.

Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette, Saturday 24 December, 1870