

PORTSMOUTH, Sept. 28. The Astrea and Rotterdam men of war are ordered for America, and the Nemesis, with a convoy, to the westward, and from thence with the trade to Ireland.  >  >Arrived the Mutine cutter, from Dublin, and the Griffin and Rambler cutters, from the Eastward.  >  >Sailed the Scourge sloop on a cruize, and Africa of 64 guns, for the Downs.  >  >The Warrior, of 74 guns, is in great forwardness, and will be launched the 15th of next month.  >  >The independent companies lately raised, and now quartered in Gosport and Hilsea barracks, are embodied, and called the 101st regiment.  >  >— Salisbury and Winchester Journal, Monday 01 October, 1781 (source)