

At the Fountain Gardens at Hilsea, near Portsmouth, on Tuesday next the 10th Instant, a Grand FIREWORK; the principal Parts will be perform’d by Mr. MASTOW, &c.


  1. A grand Salute of Maroons. — 2. Turbions. — 3. Sky Rockets. — 4. Moseique of two Mutations of different Sizes. — 5. A large regulated Piece of four Mutations; 1st a vertical Wheel; 2d a grand brilliant Sun, extending 30 Feet; 3d a Star in eight Points; 4th, six Branches of radiant Fire; to conclude with a Battery of Maroons. — 6. Turbions. — 7. Rockets. — 8. A grand transparent Show of two Mutations, adorned with different Fire. — 9. Two large Powdegreat. — 10. A capital Sexagon, adorned with seven Wheels, in various Fire and Colours. — 11. Twelve horizontal Wheels. — 12. Horizontal Wheels forming three Pyramids, adorned with a great Quantity of Bombay Lights, to conclude with a great Discharge of Powdegreat, a Fly of Rockets, and a Hurlourloan. — Admittance in the Garden one Shilling; in the long Gallery two Shillings.

Ladies and Gentlemen are desired to send for Tickets as early as possible, as no more Tickets will be sold than the Gallery will hold, nor will any Person be admitted in the Gallery without Tickets. The Gardens to be opened at Six o’Clock. The Firework to begin before Eight. A Band of Martial Music will be played in different Parts of the Gardens. — Tickets to be had at Mr. Morgan’s, the Fountain Inn; of Simpson, the Turf Coffee-house; and of Mr. Douglas, Bookseller, Goſport.

Hampshire Chronicle, Monday 09 October, 1775 (source)