
LONDON, November 24.

WEDNESDAY, at the Levee, Sir John Burgoyne took Leave of His Majesty at St. James’s, previous to his setting off for the East-Indies, and kissed His Majesty’s Hand on his Departure.

The following is an accurate Account of the Forces intended to be sent to the East-Indies with the Fleet under the Command of Sir Richard Bickerton:

101st Regiment, Gen. Sandford, consisting of 1200
102d Ditto, Gen. Radley - 1200
Hanoverians - 1000
23d Regiment, Sir John Burgoyne - 1000
Recruits to be raised by the Company - 1000

Making in all 5400

They are to go in the East Indiamen, and not in His Majesty’s Ships of War, and are to be conveyed in the Proportion of 200 Men to each Ship. 101st Regiment is now lying at Hilsea-Barracks, in Readiness for Embarkation, and the 102d is at Chatham.

The Cabinet have determined, on Account of the great Preparations of the Court of France at Brest, in fitting out a Fleet, which is supposed to be destined for the West-Indies, to augment the Force intended to sail with Sir George Rodney to ten Ships of the Line, besides Frigates; and Orders have been sent down to Plymouth for that Purpose, with an Injunction that they be got ready with all possible Expedition.

Northampton Mercury, Monday 26 November, 1781 (source)