
LONDON, (Tuesday) JUNE 22.

The following is an exact State of the King’s Rout to Portsmouth this Morning with the several Stages:

His Majesty set out from Kew about half past Two; arrived at Kingston at Three o’Clock; at Cobham at half past Three; 28 Milestone at a quarter past Four; 42 Milestone, at Half past Five; Liphook, at half past Six; Petersfield, at a Quarter past Seven; Horndean, at Eight o’Clock; Portsbridge, at three-quarters past Eight; and Portsmouth at a Quarter past Nine.

The Admirals and Captains dine with the King each Day in Parties, according to their respective Ranks.

The King will sleep ashore each Night, and return to Kew on Friday Afternoon.

His Majesty had nine Relays of Horses to perform the Journey, and was escorted throughout by Elliot’s Light Horse.

Among other strange Customs of Manors in England, there is one, that whenever the King comes to Lotheby Manor, near Guildford, in Surry, the Lord (who is at present Col. Molineux) is to present his Majesty with three Whores. Lotheby Manor lies in the Road to Portsmouth; and his Majesty must go through it. Quere, whether Col. Molineux performed the Custom?

Lodgings at Portsmouth are twenty-five Guineas for a Week, and ten Guineas for a single Night.

Derby Mercury, Friday 25 June, 1773 (source)

That’s 6h45m for the whole journey - that’s probably the lower bound with horses. 30 minutes from Portsbridge to Portsmouth.