
Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, Dec. 25.

“On Saturday last a melancholy Accident happened near Hilsea Barracks, three Miles from this Garrison. A Waggon coming here from the Country loaded without about two Tons of Hay, and the Hay not being well put up in the Waggon, nor well secured, gave Way, and fell on one Side; a Woman going by at the same Time close to the Waggon not seeing or suspecting any Danger, the Waggon overset, with the whole weight of Hay on the poor woman, and before they could get the Hay off, thought all Expedition was used, she was smothered. This Woman was the wife of a Boatswain, now abroad in one of his Majesty’s Ships, and has left behind her four small Children.”

Derby Mercury, Friday 01 January, 1768 (source)