Ok, nobody else will care, or possibly ever even read this, but I’m really excited by this page. I never thought I’d find this bloke’s name. OCR’s come on in leaps and bounds since BNA processed their archive - there’s a lot more waiting to be teased out of these records by someone willing to throw some compute at the problem.


THE Creditors of Mathew Snook, late of Hilsey, in the Island of Portsea, in the County of Southampton, Victualler, deceased, are desired to meet at the Fountain Tavern, at Hilsey aforesaid, being the House late in the Occupation of the said Deceased, on Monday the 12th Day of this Inst. January, at 2 o’Clock in the Afternoon, to consider of the proper Steps to be taken relative to the Estate and Effects of the said Deceased. And the Creditors are particularly desired to send an Account of their respective Demands before the said 12th Day of this Inst. January, to Mr. William Augustus Bettesworth, Attorney at Law, on Portsmouth Common; or Mr. John Bridger, Attorney at Law at Purbeck Heath.

Salisbury and Winchester Journal, Monday 05 January, 1767 (source)

May have been buried 21st Dec 1766, St Mary’s, Portsea (source: Hampshire Parish Register).

May have married Mary Griffin 18th April 1756, at Portsmouth (source: Hampshire Parish Register).


Hitting this link from the Portsmouth England FamilySearch Centre on Kingston Crescent (open Thursday) should get me an image of the parish records.