
Portsmouth, August 11. We have here a most violent Storm, a great many ships are blown from their Anchors within a mile and a half of this place above 30 are blown a-shore. among which is the Ruby Frigate, Capt. Ricards, Commander, bound for Lisbon, and a ship called the Hunter. The Names of the rest are not yet known. The Golden Star, bound for the Canaries, Capt. Christmas Commander, is sunk at Spithead. A Transport being disabled was quitted by her Men, who took to their Boat, which over-set, and most of them were drowned. Several other Ships we see in great danger. The Men of War have cut their Masts by the Board, and still ride it out. If the storm continues, God knows whether they will be able to hold it. We have advice from several parts that the storm has been violent, and done considerable dammage, but we do not hear of the loss of any one of her Majesties Ships.

Pue’s Occurrences, Thursday 23 August, 1705 (source)