WYMERING. De Daniele Norton, occasionato ad ostendendum quare Rectoria de Wymering, in Comitatu Southamptoniae, in Manibus Regis seisiri non debet. Trinitatis Recorda, 11 Jac. I. Rotulo 7.
— ed. Jones, Edward (1795) Index to Records Called, the Originalia and Memoranda on the Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer’s Side of the Exchequer, Vol. II. A. Wilson, London source
This is an LLM-generated translation.
Wymering. From Daniel Norton, required to show why the Rectory of Wymering, in the County of Southampton, should not be seized into the hands of the King. Trinity Records, 11th year of James I, Roll 7.
Why did he have to show this?